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Ghanaian Adinkra Symbol Problem Solving - Marvellous Maths with HL Tutoring Services

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Go for gold with some Ghanaian Adinkra Problem Solving!

Is your child interested in puzzles? Is your child fascinated by other cultures? Does your child need more practise with basic arithmetic? Does your child enjoy solving logic problems? If so, this problem solving activity should be good fun to solve. Useful for primary-aged pupils especially those wanting to rehearse simple multiplication facts. This is a sample activity that might be found in a primary maths lesson with HL Tutoring Services. This activity could be solved in person or online with HL Tutoring Services. This isn’t my original idea but I love it! Can you guess why???

Here are the instructions:
Each Adinkra symbol below stands for eleven of the numbers from 0 to 12. Each symbol is a different number. Can you work out what they are from the multiplication problems below?

I’ve added letters so you can respond and share your answers. For example:

a ) … X … X …. = …

How did you get on? Please share your methods in the comments section. Type or take a picture of your method . Many thanks!

After completing this activity, students could conduct further research on the names and meanings of each symbol. They could describe the symbols according to shape and space properties (such as curved, symmetrical, parallel, rotated etc). Perhaps think of other significant symbols used in other cultures. Students could even adapt or make up their own puzzle. It would be lovely to create some colourful pieces of artwork related to the symbols used as well. Share your ideas in the comments section. It'd be great to find out what you did.

I love this problem because my logo for HL Tutoring Services also uses an Adinkra symbol! Click on the link to find out more about my logo and Adinkra symbols. Thanks!

Find out more about primary school tuition by contacting HL Tutoring Services on 07950598030 or by visiting the website. Alternatively book lessons online now to secure a place. Select either:

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