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Jan 71 min read
Snowing, Blowing, January - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Snowing, Blowing, January |
The short poem captures the essence of January: cold and snowy. It describes typical new year weather.

Dec 3, 20241 min read
It Could Not Be Done - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
The poem demonstrates how a positive mindset can help an individual to overcome obstacles. Do not worry about what others think.

Nov 6, 20241 min read
I Would Like To Apologise For The Delay - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
The narrator lists a variety of reasons for being late. The poem is fun and light-hearted.

Jul 9, 20241 min read
Turvy-Topsy - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Turvy-Topsy - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services |
This poem purposefully mixes up English collocations for comic effect.

Jun 4, 20241 min read
Musical Meditation: The Prelude - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
This poem describes the power of music in its many guises. The first line starts with this: "There’s old music and there's new music."

May 7, 20241 min read
A Proper Cup Of Coffee - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
All I want is a proper cup of coffee...
Perfect your speaking and pronunciation skills with the tongue twister.How fast can you recite it?

May 5, 20242 min read
Top Tips To Prepare For An Important Test Or Exam.
How can you prepare for an important test or exam? How can parents/carers support a child in the family who has an important test or exam?

Apr 2, 20241 min read
Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Pause For Poetry
Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face
The poem describes what it might be like if your nose was not on your face.

Mar 5, 20241 min read
I Opened A Book - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Pause For Poetry. The poem describes the magic of reading a book. The poem starts with the following: "I opened a book..."

Feb 6, 20241 min read
In My Heart: A Book Of Feelings - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
In My Heart: A Book Of Feelings|
The narrator explores a range of emotions. The first line is this: 'My heart is crammed with feelings...'

Dec 12, 20231 min read
A Friend's Greeting - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
A Friend's Greeting - Pause For Poetry | The narrator of the poem expresses his or her gratitude towards a very good friend.

Nov 7, 20231 min read
The Tyger - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
The first line of the poem starts with the following: "Tyger, tyger, burning bright." Performance poetry is a great way to enjoy literature.

Oct 3, 20231 min read
The Listeners - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
This poem is about a traveller who knocks on a door of a lone house. The first line of the poem starts with, "Is there anybody there?"...

Sep 5, 20231 min read
Sick - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Sick - Pause For Poetry. I cannot go to school today....It is about a little girl who gives a list of reasons why she cannot go to school.

Aug 1, 20231 min read
The Sea - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
The Sea - Pause For Poetry.
The Sea is a hungry dog...
Performance poetry is a great way to enjoy literature and have fun with language.

Jul 4, 20231 min read
Sports Day Fun - The Parents' Race - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Today's poem is about a parents'/carers' race during the school sports day. Performance poetry is a great way to enjoy literature.

Jun 20, 20231 min read
Marvellous Maths - Dividing Fractions with HL Tutoring Services
Marvellous Maths with HL Tutoring Services|
Check out the following demonstration video showing a handy way to divide fractions.

Jun 6, 20231 min read
The Recital - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
The Recital - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services. Performance poetry is a great way to enjoy literature and have fun with language.

May 2, 20231 min read
Buckingham Palace - Pause For Poetry with HL Tutoring Services
Buckingham Palace - Pause For Poetry|Performance poetry is a great way to enjoy literature, have fun with language & develop reading skills.

May 1, 20233 min read
What Are Key Stage One SATs all about?
Primary Year 2 tests, called Key Stage One SATs, take place every year in May throughout most English schools, but what are the tests?
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