Why get private one to one tuition? Is it the best type of tuition?
There are many reasons that previous students have come to HL Tutoring Services in the past, including students lacking confidence, needing to catch up after missing a significant period of time from school or their studies, moving countries or changing educational systems, not being challenged enough, preparing for tests/exams like SATs or 11+, being anxious or worried about school/learning, having specific medical needs, gaining entry into top institutions such as a grammar school or developing a talent/love of learning. Why are you thinking about private tuition?
Is one to one tuition the best type of tuition?
The Education Endowment Foundation research showed that overall, the smaller the group the better. ‘Tuition in groups has a slightly higher impact, than in groups of three, but a slightly lower impact than one to one tuition. '
‘…In recent years a growing number of rigorous UK studies have been conducted. …an intensive coaching programme that involved one to one and small group tuition had an average impact of five additional months' progress.
A 2011 evaluation of Every Child Counts also found that the programme had a positive impact when delivered on a one to one basis or with groups of two or three, with all group sizes making similar amounts of progress.’
As illustrated, one to one tuition is extremely effective, but the quality of the teaching is also important.
'Some studies suggest that greater feedback from the teacher, the more sustained engagement in small groups, or work which is closely matched to learners’ needs explains this impact.'
What should you look for in a tutor? What makes a good tutor?
The Sutton Trust recommends, ‘Tutors should be experienced and well qualified’ (not all tutors have specific teaching qualifications).
Whoever you choose, think about the following attributes:
Is the tutor qualified?
Is the tutor experienced?
Does the tutor have time to prepare and deliver the lessons?
Does the tutor form a good relationship with the student?
Does the tutor prepare their own lessons?
Does the tutor use appropriate teaching materials?
Does the tutor follow a curriculum?
Does the tutor communicate with you?
With HL Tutoring Services, you can be rest assured that you’ll be receiving high quality tuition delivered by a fully qualified and experienced teacher. One to one tuition with HL Tutoring Services ensures personalised, tailor-made lessons planned around a student’s learning needs and paced appropriately. Build your confidence!
Depending on your circumstances and your tutoring requirements, one to one tuition with HL Tutoring Services could be the best type of tuition for you.

See for yourself by signing up for a free introductory consultation to discuss your tutoring requirements.
Alternatively, you can secure a place now as they are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Book private lessons in primary English and/or maths, English as a Foreign Language or Violin by selecting either:
*Pay weekly
*Pay monthly
*Pay termly
After that, choose a suitable date and time.
Get in touch with HL Tutoring Services today!

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