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Sign up for private tuition today

Updated: Nov 21, 2020

Specialists in English and Maths Tuition Primary School English and Maths, English as a Foreign Language, SATs and 11+ preparation, IELTS, English Language Conversation, Phonics, Spelling and Grammar Tuition

Are you fed up of arguing over school work with your children? Do you need to improve your English language skills for work or for an academic course? If so, sign up for some private tuition with a friendly, knowledgeable and experienced teacher.

If you're interested in getting primary tuition or E.F.L adult English language tuition, then ring or check the HL Tutoring Services website for further information. Alternatively, book private lessons online now in order to secure a slot by selecting either:

After that, choose a suitable date and time. Lessons are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you're not sure how private tuition works, sign up for a free introductory consultation to discuss your tutoring requirements.

Book with HL Tutoring Services today!

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