Early Number Formation Chart
Do you have any children in a Reception, Year 1 or even a Year 2 class? Do they form letters and numbers correctly?
Use the following charts to check. Make sure they are sitting comfortably, holding their pencil properly and they take their time to form the letters and numbers correctly. For variety, try using sand, flour or glitter if a responsible adult is supervising.
The letter formation chart is also useful for English language learners who are unfamiliar with the Roman script.
Cursive script may be introduced as progress is made. Check the school handwriting policy to find out more.
Check back to the blog, to watch a couple of videos about developing early handwriting skills.
Early Letter Formation Chart
Find out more about early years primary school tuition by contacting HL Tutoring Services on 07950598030 or by visiting the website. Alternatively book lessons online right now. Select either:
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